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Domestic Investigations

We Handle Domestic Investigations with Discretion

Domestic Investigations help hundreds of people get the answers they need to the questions which hold them back. Unsure of the loyalty of your spouse or partner?  Looking for a loved one?  Going through a bitter child custody battle?  Hiring a private investigator means placing your trust in a professional who treats your situation with the gravity it deserves. At Janine van Rensburg and Associates, our domestic investigations are always conducted with prudence and care.

Hiring a Private Investigator Can Help You Move Forward

There are many reasons to look into private investigation services. That’s because when families are torn apart, the process is rarely sudden, but rather a compilation of years of mistakes, emotions and often deception. A spouse starts cheating and hides their tracks to prevent discovery. A child of divorce may be neglected or not given the lifestyle they require. Assets are hidden in an attempt to avoid division of property. A former spouse reneges on the child support and custody agreements under suspicious circumstances, and without a legal modification. When it comes to these sensitive situations, your family, your heart and your happiness are on the line, and hiring a private investigator you can trust is a wise first step.

Janine van Rensburg and Associates is a licensed private investigation agency in South Africa’s that works on all varieties of domestic cases.  We have the experience and the resources to handle domestic investigations involving:

  • Neglect of loved ones in medical and nursing care facilities

  • Abuse of children or spouses

  • Divorce cases which cross state lines

  • Hidden assets, either in divorce proceedings or in corporate transactions

  • Separation and potential parental kidnapping

  • Child support and custody disputes

    We comb the world’s streets, databases and financial sectors to discover the truth and make wrongs right. We know that domestic investigations require sensitivity and compassion, which is why we conduct all of our assignments with only the highest degree of professionalism and discretion.  

    If you strongly believe that your current or former spouse is hiding information that affects your life, or you worry your children are being neglected, contact Janine van Rensburg and Associates.  

     Consultation is confidential.


Sometimes you just need another pair of eyes and ears to find out the truth. Whether it’s a child custody case, a cheating partner, worker's compensation claim, employee theft or another form of Surveillance, Janine van Rensburg and Associates provides the most covert surveillance.  A surveillance investigation is more than just a stranger with binoculars hiding behind a bush.  It’s a risky undertaking that requires the time, effort, support and commitment of a licensed private investigator.  That’s where we come in. 

Our private investigators are renowned experts of surveillance detection. As private investigators, we have a proven track record of successful undercover operations that exceed the private investigator surveillance expectations of our clients. We utilize state-of-the-art surveillance systems and equipment to monitor suspects, document their activity and deliver indisputable photographic and/or video evidence, even under the most precarious conditions. By customizing each case, you get only the surveillance investigator services you need, whether it’s an undercover operation, hidden digital video surveillance or traditional surveillance services, we’ll get the information. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Even if you’re not involved in business litigation, cheating spouse or child custody, everyday individuals can be victimized by criminals who gain access to telephone data lines using a phone bug. Our private investigator bug sweep services, comprised of the most advanced technology, are guaranteed to uncover and cease even the best-hidden of these electronic pests.

What makes us better than other private investigation agencies?

Accompanying the vast resources we offer including private investigators in South Africa, electronic surveillance experts and professional surveillance investigators, we are a private investigator agency with a proven record of success.  We can provide both fully trained male and female private investigators who are recruited for skill and experience.  In pursuit of the truth, we conduct investigations with professionalism, discretion and diligence.  And the truth always comes out.  If you’re looking for successful surveillance by a private investigator in your area, contact us today.

Infidelity/Cheating Spouse

Is My Spouse Cheating?

Statistics prove that women who feel their lover is cheating are correct 80% of the time. For men, they guess correctly 50% of the time*. Facing the unfaithfulness of a cheating spouse is a heartbreaking situation. If you suspect this is the case, you need to know the truth. But do you know how to catch a cheating spouse?  Do you know the signs of infidelity?
We can dig into those infidelity signs to uncover the truth and confirm or refute your suspicions of a cheating spouse. Situations involving cheating spouses need to be handled by a private investigator who is not only experienced at surveillance and information gathering, but also well-versed in the law. Our domestic investigation services can not only confirm signs of a cheating spouse, but we can obtain valuable information that can legally be used during court proceedings.

To catch a spouse cheating, Janine van Rensburg and Associates will monitor infidelity discreetly and confidentially. Through surveillance, vehicle tracking, computer investigation, cell phone data recovery and internet activity, we can catch a spouse cheating with tangible results. The signs of cheating spouse activity are not always on the surface. Our years of covert surveillance can help catch a cheating spouse with concrete evidence so there are no questions left to ask. We turn the signs of cheating spouse betrayal into proof.

Divorce and Child Custody

Have Child Custody Questions?

While divorce is sometimes necessary, it can leave a trail of devastation in its wake. Children are often casualties of divorce, caught in the middle, neglected and even at times used as a pawn by a bitter parent. Our primary goal in these delicate cases is to ensure that the child ends up in the right home, with the right parent - whether it’s mom or dad - so that the child can live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life in a stable, safe and nurturing environment.

Using her background as a juvenile probation officer, Janine van Rensburg and Associates brings unparalleled insight into the effects on children who came out of unhealthy homes, divorce, poor parenting, and /or back and forth battles. Passionate about remedying these difficult situations, she and her team of investigators use undercover and traditional surveillance methods to advocate child custody rights.


Child custody and especially child custody for fathers who are often denied it, is an aspect of divorce that requires professional assistance to ensure the child’s best interest. After divorce it is quite common for an individual to begin living a lifestyle that is irresponsible and immature. Someone might even engage in activities and/or behaviors that are damaging, dangerous and even illegal. If you think your child's other parent is engaging in activities you feel could endanger the physical and/or emotional welfare of the child, then you will need proof because the courts will not simply take your word for it.

Child custody laws in South Africa are tough, and the court needs all the information it can get. And you need more than a child custody lawyer to get it.  Attorney’s can benefit from the work of a Private Investigator as their evidence can be used in court proceedings to help make your case.

Contact Janine van Rensburg and Associates, and you’ll be taking the best first step to protect the future of your child.


Parental Abduction

Sometimes a court battle isn’t even the issue.  In cases of parental abduction, in which a child is whisked away by one parent leaving no trace, you’ll need the help of a licensed private investigator to find them.  Janine van Rensburg and Associates is renowned for

successfully locating abducting parents and missing children worldwide.


Computer & Cell Phone Forensics

It is important for you to resist the urge to do any “amateur sleuthing” before bringing your computer or cell phone to us.  A key component of a proper computer forensic examination and cell phone data recovery is that both are performed without bias. Because you have an interest in the case (be it emotional, financial or legal), you have a natural bias, and any evidence you uncover will be challenged in court. Our computer forensics specialist team discovers and presents facts, and the client or a jury determines guilt or innocence. Janine van Rensburg and Associates computer forensics expert team is able to gather the evidence in a way that is presentable in court because we can demonstrate that the evidence hasn’t been tampered with.

Additionally, any extra activity that takes place after an alleged incident potentially destroys valuable evidence. Even the simple act of turning on a computer or phone destroys possibly hundreds of vital pieces of data. To ensure the best chance of successful computer and cell phone forensic investigations, leave your computer or phone in its current state – if it is powered on, leave it on; if it is powered off, leave it off – and call us immediately.



A cheating spouse, missing child or dishonest employee may not give you the information you need – but chances are their computer, phone or portable device will.

Having access to a person’s computer or digital device is like having a giant filing cabinet full of information about them. Nearly every action performed leaves pieces of information (called “artifacts”) behind. Many of these artifacts cannot be viewed or erased by a normal user. The job of a digital forensics investigator and cell phone detective is to uncover the pieces, compile them into a readable form and present them to the client.

Investigation of computer activity and mobile phone forensics provide a window through which you can view the communications, motives or intentions of a spouse, child or employee. Armed with a combination of state-of-the-art equipment and industry-leading techniques, our computer forensic investigator specialist and cell phone spy team can uncover misuses of virtually any computer or device— even in cases where the suspect believes that they have covered their tracks and deleted any potentially incriminating evidence.



Perhaps you suspect that someone is reading your emails and personal digital documents, or even watching what websites you visit and gaining access to your confidential information. As internet forensics experts, we can detect even the most sophisticated spyware on your computer and help you regain your privacy.

On the other hand, perhaps you suspect that someone is using your computer without your knowledge. Renowned for our computer forensics investigations, we can remotely monitor user activity on your computer to determine what is happening when you’re not there.

DISCLAIMER: Please note there are legality issues involved when performing forensics on both computers and cell phones. You need to discuss with a Janine van Rensburg and Associates Investigator as to when it is legal for us to perform this type of work.  NOTE: Janine van Rensburg and Associates operates only under the authority of the law and will NOT perform ANY illegal operations during the course of an investigation.

Location of Runaways

Your child is missing. She or he may or may not have disappeared by their own choice, but they need to be found – FAST.

As a rule, the longer you wait to pursue recovering your child the less the odds are that they will return safely and unharmed. Law enforcement will do everything within their power to find runaway children, but they don’t have the resources to dedicate an investigator to your specific case. Janine van Rensburg and Associates will assign a team specifically dedicated to finding your child and will travel worldwide to do so.

But the process for finding a runaway is different than finding a missing person. Most times, a runaway doesn’t want to be found. And since a good majority of runaways are minors, there are fewer records we can rely on to help us in our search efforts.  To get  the information we need, we employ an intensive investigative strategy that includes tactics such as canvassing the internet, examining cell phone records, interviewing friends, family and teachers, contacting shelters and hotlines, reviewing journal entries, checking the manifests of bus transportation companies, posting missing person flyers and more. Our search is always intensive and exhaustive. If you suspect your child is missing, contact Janine van Rensburg and Associates immediately. And most importantly, do NOT touch the child’s computers or cell phones, as there is data we can attain that may help locate your child.

Transportation of At-Risk Youth

When the difficult decision of sending your child or family member to a therapeutic boarding school, wilderness programs or other designated treatment facility designated by the parent, how they will physically get there is often a concern.  It is common for the relationship to have broken down to a point where the child is not willing to honor the wishes of the parents. The child isn’t likely to just smile and hop into the back of the family sedan. In fact, they often threaten to run away or even hurt themselves or others.

With a strong background in juvenile probation cases, we at Janine van Rensburg and Associates are experts in the escort and transport of at-risk youth.  We ensure the safe and reliable transportation of the child or teen to the desired destination, whether by car or plane.  Your loved one will be escorted by trained professionals, not only in the physical aspects but also in the emotional and psychological to make the transition as smooth as possible for all.  


Electronic Countermeasures (De-bugging Sweeps)

Your privacy is not a luxury; it’s a right. And with the pervasiveness of bugging devices and other sophisticated eavesdropping equipment, this right could be in jeopardy. An invasion of your privacy can result in devastating consequences. Imagine every confidential conversation with your attorney being recorded. Or imagine your company’s classified trade secrets leaking out. If you suspect that you are a target - in either your home or office - of unwelcome surveillance, we can help you. Our highly skilled countermeasures experts will conduct a exhaustive search of your home, office and/or vehicle using the most advanced practices and surveillance detection technology available on today’s market.


Criminal Investigations

We provide unbiased and methodical investigative services to support the police investigation in a criminal case or to assist an individual in verifying the accuracy, veracity and thoroughness of the investigation conducted by law enforcement agencies. This includes validating facts and evidence, identifying errors, omissions and inconsistencies, locating and interviewing witnesses and using all required investigative tactics to help you in your pursuit of truth and justice.


Background Investigations

Associating with the wrong person can be detrimental in any number of ways - financially, physically, mentally or emotionally. It’s better to know the truth about someone sooner rather than later. Is that person you’re about to marry a con artist? A felon? A sex offender? An alcohol or drug abuser? A deadbeat? Someone who is still married? We’ll find out for you through a detailed background investigation that will reveal truthful facts, allowing you to know, without hesitation, who you might be spending the rest of your life with. Background checks can also be used to investigate suspicious neighbors, your child’s chaperone, a potential business partner, witnesses and more.


Asset Searches

An asset search can be critical when determining what kind of legal action needs to be taken. You may need to determine what assets are available so that you’ll know if litigation will be worthwhile. Or perhaps you need to locate hidden assets in cases of divorce. We use comprehensive database searches along with a host of other investigative techniques to uncover and document the existence of assets, from property and homes to cars, planes and boats. Our asset searches will not only help protect your interests, but also the interests of those whom you care about the most.


Witness Interviews

Interviewing a witness is not only about knowing what questions to ask, but also knowing how to ask them to ensure that you are collecting the most accurate, relevant and truthful information. Our investigators are expert interviewers that are highly skilled at determining the merit of a witness, as well as documenting sworn statements and/or affidavits for litigation support purposes and pre-trial preparation.


Location of Missing Persons

There are a number of valid reasons why someone would want to locate a missing person. You may be looking for a family member, friend, classmate, business associate, old love interest, a witness needed for a civil or criminal court case or even someone attempting to avoid a financial obligation. Whoever you need to locate we are committed to using all of our professional resources and intelligence techniques to successfully track down your missing person.


Process Service (Supreme Court Certified)

We offer timely, efficient and professional service of process. Our trained process servers will serve your legal documents and provide you with consistent updates and notifications. We can even help in those situations where the person being served does not want to be found.



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